URL Call of moveIT WEBCON (URL-Parameter)
  • 15 Jul 2024
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URL Call of moveIT WEBCON (URL-Parameter)

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Article summary

Structure of the call

In order to integrate moveIT WEBCON, the URL of the moveIT WEBCON installation must be called up in an iFrame, including URL parameters, if applicable. The basic URL is transmitted to the customer. Based on these and the possible URL parameters, the customer can create three different call variants for moveIT WEBCON.

Base URL

A base URL is a central part of a website's web address. It is made up of several components: the protocol (such as http or https), the domain name (e.g. www.shop.com) and, if applicable, a directory path (e.g. /service/). The base URL serves as the starting point for all relative URLs.

Components of the base URL:

  • Protocol: Determines how data is transmitted between the web browser and the server (e.g. http or https).

  • Domain Name: The unique name of the website (e.g. shop.com).

  • Directory path: Optional part that points to a specific directory within the website (e.g. /service/).

Language (&Lng=)

nach ISO 639-1

Controls the language in which the web application is invoked. The prerequisite for this is that agents have been started in the appropriate languages and that the backend with the correct languages has been installed. For master data, it should be noted that they generally have to deliver the desired language. In addition, the master data version must be imported AFTER the language has been activated in the backend.


  • https://www.shop.at/web/index.html?ConfCatalog&Consumer&Lng=DE

Country (&Country=)

nach Vehicle Registration Code

The URL parameter has two functions:

  1. Defines which "DefaultCustomerForCountry" (admin setting) is used for document generation.

  2. Defines whether or which labels are used in the price display.


  • https://www.shop.at/web/index.html?ConfCatalog&Consumer&Lng=DE&Country=A

Model (&Model=)

Here you can enter the moveIT model number for directly calling up such a model in the configurator. Can be supplemented by the &OwnId parameter if there are multiple models with the same model number from different suppliers.


  • https://www.shop.at/web/index.html?ConfCatalog&Consumer&Lng=DE&Model=LPU42

Owner number (&OwnId=)

With this URL parameter, an owner number (a unique number at moveIT supplier level) can be entered. This offers two functions:

The eCatalog can be accessed directly with the defined owner. If, for example, there are two 1KF models in the goods master and you have to restrict more precisely which model should be called by which owner, you can also specify the parameter &OwnId in addition to the parameter &Model to define the model unambiguously.


  • https://www.shop.at/web/index.html?ConfCatalog&Consumer&OwnId=000


Statistic level code (&StaCdeX=)

Important: the URL Paramter &OwnId is required for it to work

<Statistic Level Code> (X=1-8)

To be able to enter directly in a statistics level in the eCatalog, you can specify &StaCdeX. The X represents the level depth that corresponds to the XPro WarS0X (the X's must match). You have to look for the statistic code(s) from these XPros.


  • https://www.shop.at/web/index.html?ConfCatalog&Consumer&OwnId=000&StaCde0=04&StaCde1=04_02

User code (&UsrCde=)

A user code can be entered here, under which the session is then registered in the background. This in turn can cause a lot of settings in the background.


  • https://www.shop.at/web/index.html?ConfCatalog&Consumer&UsrCde=MaxMustermann

Macro variable (&McrVars=)

Macro variables are variables to which the master data manufacturer can react in the master data and, depending on the situation, a wide variety of adjustments, preassignments, etc. can be carried out in the master data.

The structure is as follows: ParamName(ParamValue)+ParamName2(ParamValue2)+ParamName3(ParamValue3)

Macro variables can be specified individually or in a list.


  • https://www.shop.at/web/index.html?ConfCatalog&Consumer&McrVars=Color1(907)+Color2(906)+Glass(WRK2)

Wishlist ID (&LeafletId=)

If a wish list ID has already been generated, it can be used for recall.


  • https://www.shop.at/web/index.html?ConfCatalog&Consumer&LeafletId=992-22321323-01

Market number (&Branch=)

This can be used to transfer a virtual market number to moveIT WEBCOBN, for example. If there is also a branch office in the backend with this number, this branch is displayed on the document as "Zust. Branch".


  • https://www.shop.at/web/index.html?ConfCatalog&Consumer&Branch=223

Outbound Position (&BasePosition=) [Change Service]

If a completed configuration that has been transferred to the shopping cart is to be changed, the URL parameter &BasePosition= must be specified, which is assigned the GUID of position 1 of the configuration to be changed. After the configuration change has been completed, this GUID is given to the shopping cart when it is transferred again, which allows the WebShop to recognize that it is a change and also which item is to be replaced by the "new" one.


  • https://www.shop.at/web/index.html?ConfCatalog&Consumer&BasePosition=aacabbfe-5a8b-4313-ba7e-02f55151537e

Additional information (&AdditionalResponseData=)

Similar to BasePosition, "AdditionalResponseData" is also a URL parameter, the content of which is passed through to the shopping cart when moveIT WEBCON is called, allowing the WebShop to react to it. The URL parameter can be freely assigned. As a possible application, "AdditionalResponseData" in conjunction with "BasePosition" can be assigned to "ChangeAndReplace", for example, so that the web shop recognizes when it is handed over that it overwrites the BasePosition, which is in the shopping cart, with the new position. Other uses would be, for example, for session recognition or to pass an ID to recognize the user journey. Of course, the attached content must be URL-encoded.


  • https://www.shop.at/web/index.html?ConfCatalog&AdditionalResponseData=Session%28aacabbfe-5a8b-4313-ba7e-02f55151537e%29%7CAction%28CopyPaste%29

Hide graphics area (&HideGraphicContainerAtStart=TRUE)

By default, this setting is set to FALSE - by default, the graphics area is always displayed when a configuration is started.

If this parameter is specified and set to TRUE, the graphics area will not be displayed when the configuration is loaded. The graphics area is displayed again when you switch to another question parameter.

This option could be relevant for models that do not include any visual "taste" or where graphics play little or no role.


  • https://www.shop.at/web/index.html?ConfCatalog&HideGraphicContainerAtStart=TRUE

Graphics area does not automatically open when graphics are changed (&AutomaticReopenGraphicContainerAtChange=FALSE)

By default, this setting is set to TRUE - by default, the graphics area is always automatically expanded again when navigating to another question parameter.

If this parameter is specified and set to FALSE, the graphics area will not be automatically expanded again when changing to another question parameter. The user must actively reopen the graphics area.

In combination with &HideGraphicContainerAtStart=TRUE , the graphics area can be completely hidden for a configuration in Mobile View. So if the following parameters are set, a user will not see a graphic display for this configuration, except on the results pages.


This option could be relevant for models that do not include visual "taste" or where graphics play little to no role.


  • https://www.shop.at/web/index.html?ConfCatalog&HideGraphicContainerAtStart=TRUE&AutomaticReopenGraphicContainerAtChange=FALSE

Automatically continue on answer selection (&AutomaticNextAtAnswerClick=TRUE)


This point has a negative impact on accessibility.

By default, this setting is set to FALSE - by default, an active click on [Next] or another question parameter by the user is always necessary.

If this parameter is specified and set to TRUE, a click on a reply is automatically interpreted as [Next]. [Back] is now only possible by directly clicking on a previous question parameter.

This option could be relevant for models that do not include any visual "taste" and require fixed, previously known values or where the graphics play little or no role.


  • https://www.shop.at/web/index.html?ConfCatalog&AutomaticNextAtAnswerClick=TRUE

Hide Designer Mode (&HideDesignerMode=TRUE)

By default, this setting is FALSE - so that the button(s) for the designer mode [insert in photo]/[edit] are always displayed in the standard. Prerequisite that the add-on license for Designer Mode is available.

If this parameter is specified and set to TRUE, the [Insert in photo] button will not be displayed in the graphics area – the display should be as if there was no license for it

This option could be relevant for models whose product graphics cannot be inserted into a photo via Designer mode, or which are not (yet) prepared for insertion for this product type, e.g. because there are no symbol images.


  • https://www.shop.at/web/index.html?ConfCatalog&HideDesignerMode=TRUE

Call variants

One or more call variants of moveIT WEBCON (analogous to the options described below) are available in the webshop:

Direct call to a moveIT WEBCON configuration

The most commonly used variant is the direct call of a moveIT WEBCON configuration from e.g. a ProductPage. The ProductPage is provided by the webshop and refers to the actual configuration via a link, banner or button (= call moveIT WEBCON).

Direct call moveIT@ISS+ configuration

Accessing the first level of the eCatalog

Calling up the first level of the eCatalogue from moveIT WEBCON, where all articles defined by the webshop operator and their statistical levels are listed

Access first level eCatalog

Calling a certain pre-filtered product level

The so-called pre-filtering in moveIT WEBCON must be defined in advance for all product levels. StaCdeX= can then be used to call up a layer directly.

Call pre-filtered product level

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