Settings EASY User
  • 18 Jul 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Settings EASY User

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Article summary

[Settings] button


Change password

To change your user password, click on the [Change password] button next to the user name.

In the "Change password" window, enter the old password once and the new password twice.

Colors are used to represent the security of the password.

When entering the password, attention must be paid to the upper and lower case. The password policies (minimum length, complexity, etc.) are set by the administrator.

Forgot and reset password

If you have forgotten your password, you can easily request a new one by clicking on "Forgot password?" on the login screen and follow the instructions.

The prerequisite is the activation of this function by the administrator and to input a valid email address in the user data!

Purchase Information request

Whether this setting is available or not is set by the operator of your moveIT EASY installation.

If this setting is checked, clicking on “Send order” will result in a query in which you can enter your own purchase number from the ERP and an additional purchase note.


Here you can make presets for the RTF or PDF settings.

A detailed description of each option can be found in the respective (i).

Purchase discounts

All active purchase discounts that are stored with the supplier are displayed here.

The columns reveal information about the discount code, name, the percentage and the area of validity of the discounts.

This function is only active if it is provided by the operator of moveIT EASY.

Sales discount/surcharge

The sales list price can generally be changed here for all future items with a defined premium or discount.

A surcharge or discount defined here is automatically calculated when it is entered and is visible in the form of a changed sales list price.

Items with a manual list price or items that have already been closed and are not processed again or calculated using the configurator remain unaffected.

This function is only active if it is provided by the operator of moveIT EASY.


The payment and delivery conditions predefined here can be changed or deleted at any time.

You can also add your own conditions.

These are then available directly from the customer or in the entered document [Edit document data] and are displayed in the printout.

Purchase price surcharge

Is the function supported by the operator, a surcharge calculation on purchase prices is now possible. This can generally be defined for each supplier in the Settings and has to be activated for each document in [Edit Document Data].

Further settings

Column Setting

Individual columns of the position overview can be hidden or shown. This setting is saved per user.

To do this, click on the column symbol in the top left of the position overview and select the desired columns which should be shown or hidden.

Anonymization of customer data

If documents (quotations and orders) have already been created for a customer, it can no longer be deleted from the system. However, it can be easily anonymized.

In the customer overview, select the customer you want to anonymize and click on the [Anonymize customer] icon. This replaces all customer information with randomly generated characters.

This can no longer be undone!

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